Wednesday, July 28, 2010


BEEEP… (a minute later) BEEEP… I must be dreaming. BEEEP… The dog is crying downstairs. BEEEP… there must be something wrong with the house alarm. I let the dogs out. BEEEP… WTF, this sound is driving me crazy. BEEEP… I check all the door and window sensors BEEEP… The dogs scratching at the back door to be let back in. BEEEP… Shut up!! BEEEP… I found it, it’s the smoke detector on the 2ed floor. BEEEP… I can’t reach it, now I have to look for the step stool. BEEEP… I am so annoyed, back down stairs and outside to the laundry room. BEEEP… Drag the stupid stool up the stairs. BEEEP… I grab the stupid alarm off the ceiling. BEEEP…Shit! I need a screwdriver to get the back off this stupid piece of crap. BEEEP… Back downstairs I go, outside to the laundry room and open my little tool box, take out the tiny screwdriver. BEEEP… I’m wide awake now and not very happy. I take the thing apart pull out the battery. Then throw the whole thing in the closet.

The time is 2:42 AM. I am wide awake, there is a hole in my ceiling, and the dogs want to sleep in my bed now. Why does the battery have to go low in the middle of the night? Why does it have to beep like that? I am not the type of person that gets frustrated easily but I hate when I am woken in the middle of the night and I have to function. (Warning to all men out there with your crazy ideas…lol)


  1. Thanks Carrie! You just told me and every man out there a good punishment for you if you ever step out of line. LMAO!!! (File in my rolodex under C for Carrie for use at a later date) :)


  2. LOL...Thanks for giving everyone out there the idea to use this as punishment, DV

    What else is in that rolodex?

  3. How about once a year change all the batteries on a specific dayt like Labor day or Halloween.. then no more beeps in the night

  4. Tom... are you testing me? lol

    Thanks Bear... great suggestion

  5. My rolodex? It might scare you what all is in there! LOL! But wouldn't you like to know! ;)

