Thursday, March 24, 2011

What R Your Odds

I know this is my 2ed post this morning but I just had to share this information with you. I have had several people ask me why turning 38 was so hard for me. The answer is I haven't enjoyed tuning any age in my 30's. And it's not because I was turning 30, 35, or 38 that was so hard but the thought that I will be 40 soon is heart breaking. I am not the type of person who loves to date. In fact I am quite stressed out about it. I love to go out and have fun but to meet someone new racks my nerves. Always thinking about how I look, How I act, Does he like me??? And the fear of rejection is always there. I can't tell you how many times I have turned down dates for these very real fears and my level of shyness. And now I fear that I will be 40 soon and will never find that person who truly wants to be with me. And of course I was watching TV last night when I saw these statics.

A few years ago the odds of a single woman in her 40's were more likely to be involved in a terrorist attack then she was to get married.

Women in their 20's are 86% more likely to get married. (Pretty good huh?)
Women in their 30's 74% (still good odds)
Women in their 40's 30% (What the fuck is the matter with people)

I don't want to think about the poor women who are older then that. So I have 2 years get get my life together. Then I'm going to hang it up and just use men for sex. LOL


  1. Yeah, 40 isn't any easier! Got there this past year. I will say this though...I haven't minded as much I thought I would. Looking back I wish I had my youth and energy of some of those younger ages, but I wouldn't trade where I am now in knowledge, understanding, and self-awareness for anything. Just my two cents worth. :)


  2. Dauntless and I can take the aging process with more grace--we are men. But if you get any consolation from this, good. I met my lizard when I was 47 and she was 44 (almost 45), so there's still hope. We are beautifully happy together.

  3. This entry intrigued me until I read your comment on the 30% for gals over 40! I literally laughed out loud at the though of you saying "wtf is that?" describing these facts to me in public for dinner/drinks. Not to find humor in your plight, but I would have broke out laughing!!!
