Monday, October 3, 2011

The Time of My Life

Had a great weekend! I was invited by a couple of my friends from Boston to join them in Orlando. Thursday night was a blast. We had dinner and then ended up at Howl at the Moon. Friday was spent by the pool and the pool side bar. Then off to Halloween Horror Night at Universal Studios. ( I highly recommend all of you to go) Saturday was back at the pool and the bar before I headed back home.

I think I have forgotten what it was like to have fun and to be with good friends. Even thou I was so very tired by the time I reached home... I loved every minute I was there


  1. Glad to hear it. You have a busy schedule. My advice? Get out more often!

  2. Glad to see you had a chance to enjoy some time with 'grown ups' even though I know you live for your kids. Good for you!
    (Too bad I wasn't in Orlando! damn! lol)
