Monday, October 4, 2010

My Life Updates

Lots going on this past weekend. A lot of you have asked me about John my ex and how he is doing. This weekend he got the news that he has cancer in his foot that will require surgery and radiation treatments. That starts this week. This funny thing is I have been going out of my way to help him and try not to bug him for his child support knowing he has been out of work and will be out of work for some time…He tells me his girlfriend can’t help him because she doesn’t be around sick people. This is the same person he writes to on Facebook telling her she is the best thing to happen to him… For 30 minutes this morning he was arguing with me about how I took his son’s guitar to be fixed when he said he would fix it (that was 6 months ago) Am I just too nice of a person or a sucker?

I got an email this weekend from one of my bosses who says he is leaving the company and I better look for another job before he leaves. I know I have asked before but if there is anyone out there who is willing to give me a shot at a real job NSA…That would be wonderful.

Now I have a movie review for you… Case 39. Very suspenseful, I liked it a great deal. All I have got to say is “Don’t kids freak you out?” Like in Six Since?… They are scary. LOL

New favorite reality TV show… Sister Wives. Things are heating up with the husband bringing home a 4th wife. The other wives are jealous. They are making comments and are crying…kids running around all over the place. It’s great.

Now I am sure all of you want an update on The Deadliest Catch…King Crab season starts in a couple of weeks and according to the news the Hillstands are not retuning to the show due to they are being sued by Discovery Channel for $3million for not showing up for shooting of their spin off reality show. Captain Sig isn’t returning out of respect of the Hillstrand boys. We know from last season that Captain Phil died so that only leaves Capt. Keith. This show will surly be missed by millions of fans from all over the world. I sure hope they can work something out.

Well this is my life the past few days. I sound so vanilla. LOL


  1. You are anything but 'vanilla' my pet . . and thanks for sharing the updates (and I can see the reason the ex is an 'ex'! lol). Regardless I hope he gets good care so its not a big drain on you emotionally. I am glad so many here provide you with support/help however they can. Its a tribute to your genuine nature, and passion! lol

  2. Thank you so much for your support.
